
i know sometimes it's hard. right now -- hard. staying is the toughest thing of all.

but this isn't really who i am, and i wish i didn't feel this way. there are promises i want to make, to never leave your side and to always wake you in the morning with a kiss and to never let the sun go down on my anger. to always back you up and support you in all of your decisions and to let you drive whenever you want and to drive whenever you don't want to. and to always make sandwiches for you and cook your dinner (i might have to learn to cook first, but i would) and do your laundry and wash your dishes. and to honor you and be crazy with you and let you cry on my shoulder when you need to. and to watch whatever you want on TV with you and take care of you when you're sick and mow the lawn if you don't feel like it. and to sit out in the rain with you getting soaked and stay up all night talking if you feel like it and to be silent if you need silence and to stand outside and look at stars with you. to give you whatever you need (as far as it's in my ability) and be whatever you need me to be and love you more than i love myself. and to keep my heart on display for you and to never run away but always let you near instead.

sometimes i fall down and i can't stay, sometimes i hurt you and sometimes i fail you. but here's my heart and i want you to see it. know that it's true.

believe me when i say that i love you.


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