
i catch your eye across the crowded living room where you recline in a faded armchair but i think you see straight through me. blue eyes the edge of death has crept right in and i can't break my gaze because it kills me to see you like this. emaciated as the air is around you, your gaunt face and such thin thin arms that look as though they may break; you are surrounded by people trying to fit in every word that they never had the chance to say, every memory that was never made because who's ever ready for a thing such as this? and when i hug you goodbye maybe this time it's for the last time and i find it so hard to let you go. you hold me close and i'm afraid that i may hurt you from hanging on so tight but it's the only way to say the words i don't know how to speak: farewell.

when paul said in the Bible that we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, i see this -- a stadium filled to its fullest, with thousands upon millions, and moses, and david, and peter, and all of the saints who have gone before; a track laid down in the center of that stadium and you, running, still running after all this time, running your race. they are cheering you on. and if i could speak the words they are saying to you now i'd say, keep running because you're almost done, don't stop now, you're almost there and if you just keep running you'll see that you're reaching the end and you're coming home and we are waiting to welcome you; keep running.

keep running keep running keep running you can make it.

i am saying this now because i'm not sure i'm going to get the chance to tell you in person: i love you and goodbye and i'll see you again soon.

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