week two

five iron was awesome. totally rocked. as nate told me afterwards, "i can die happy now because i've seen five iron frenzy play. believe -- and see five iron frenzy play -- and you shall be saved. yeah, that's what the Bible says."

seeing as i don't think the Bible actually says that, it all sounded sort of blasphemous to me, but instead of pointing that out i said "hmm. thanks for sharing dude."

the only thing that would have made it better would have been if beth could have gone. it can make me really angry, the way her dad treats her. there are those people that you look at and you wonder sometimes if they wouldn't just be better off without their parent/parents. that's how it is with beth's dad at times; i watch him and i watch how she is and her brothers and sisters and her mom and the way things go for them and it just makes me wonder. but, that's not for me to say. he loves her and i know she loves him and she's a tough chick -- she really is. i just wish she didn't have to put up with so much crap all the time.

for some reason i have an inborn tendency to protect at all costs anyone that i think needs to be protected. this means, be wary of provoking me to anger.... unless (as quite a few people have told me) you want to see me angry, and then you can go ahead and try all you want, since it probably won't work anyway. i think i contradict myself but ahh well.

(josh finishes boot camp in a week!)

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