and paint it on the walls

he said: you have your foot in the door. you've fooled yourself into thinking you've let go completely, but in your own way you're still holding on. as long as you stay that way, you're in control, and nothing will change.

i said: yeah... i think you're right.

he said: it's your choice, you know. but if you're not going to let go completely, you might as well not let go at all.

and realizations creep into your heart when you stop talking long enough to listen. turn the water on above your head and let it pour over your face to mix with your tears. the pain of surrendering is inevitable, but if you are who you say you are, what must be done is inevitable as well. the light of better things hoped for is stronger than the momentary darkness which surrounds you.

my girl, if you didn't want to know the truth, maybe you shouldn't have asked for it.

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