hopelessness is a hard place to be

i'll step out of your reach now. and into my bedroom. the one where the shades are always drawn shut. i don't want to need you. you don't see how much i do. this night is of no comfort to me. in my mind i'm leaving. i am already leaving. because you said "here" and yet i'm so far away. everything's dark and i feel myself sinking. the sun, it sets on my despair, and i -- i can't seem to find my way up these stairs.

i'm moving forward but always standing still. your efforts to reach me are all in vain. it's not so simple as a telephone call. you don't see these pictures pasted on my wall. you laugh in my ear and i smile as a natural reaction. i see my reflection in the mirror. reach to touch these shadows beneath my eyes. when did we both lose sight? you still say "here" while i'm so far away. everything's dark and i feel myself drowning. the sun, it rises on my despair, and i -- i can't seem to find my way down these stairs.

please tell me it's not hopeless. oh please tell me that you'll never let go. i've given it every shot i have and nothing hits the mark. it's too much to expect, i know. i ask anyway though. somewhere someone must have what it takes to reach me.

it tears me apart every time you say "here." ah look at me now, i'm so far away. everything's dark and they've started searching for the body. the moon, it watches my despair, and i -- i can't seem to find my way. these stairs. these stairs. you and me were never "here."

i don't know where to go. nowhere feels like home.


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