"wow, you ARE cold arent you?"

let's whisper. hold my hand. it'll be ok; i promise you that it will be ok.

yesterday was *our 5-month anniversary. i love john so much. tonight he came over and we went to burger king because guess what they have there? yeah, that's right -- spongebob toys. heck yeah, i know. so we went and bought the big kids meals just for the toys, and then we drove over to the amphitheater to eat our chow. (yeah, blair, *that amphitheater. the ride-down-the-hill-on-a-skateboard amphitheater.) we sat out there and ate and then studied together while junebugs flew all over and crawled up my jeans and got stuck in my hair. and of course that made me jump up and down and scream a lot while john fearlessly came to my rescue. (laughing awfully hard, but that's beside the point.) when we got tired of studying we went and laid out on the grass together and watched the clouds and the stars. amazing. i didn't want it to end.

things happen; reality hits hard. it will knock you off and your feet and push you under and leave you to drown. but hope remains, somewhere beneath. no matter what, God will rush in and save the day -- this i promise you. don't lose hope.

"i'm not afraid to fall, i've fallen many times. to fall is not to fail; you fail when you don't try. not afraid to fall, i know i'll fall again, but i can win this in the end."

and we will, win this in the end.

xoxo, i love you all more than words can say

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