this is the day she said goobye...

::i won't be the one to wait outside your door watch it all fall down around your head i won't be that one anymore so shine on me the sun to white out my whole world catch it on my tongue these words once said that i won't be that one no not anymore there's more than a million questions i could ask but it wouldn't matter at all so take me and tear me open i won't bleed until you're gone i don't understand your actions:: [brandtson]

as much as i want to (with all of my heart), i won't be that one anymore. i don't understand your actions -- i don't. i'll always be here, i won't stop loving you, but i won't be the one to wait on you. i need to stop caring so much. i need to take my heart from my sleeve and put it back in my chest.

ahhh how can i? it's useless, it will never happen.

take me and tear me open. i'm right here.


*if you're reading this i need you to please sign the old guestbook or email me and tell me what you think about love. just because my heart is curious.*

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