more pointless info i'm sure you wanted to know

i am really tired and i can't fit a single bit more information into my head for tomorrow morning's final. all i really want to do right now is go crash in my bed, but turtle is in my room studying. actually he's laying on my bed wrapped up in my blankets studying. he always does that -- what's up with it? i mean, the guy's got his own room. i went in their awhile ago and i was like, dude what are you doing? why aren't you studying in your own room? (not that i really minded, i was just wondering.) so he goes, because i like your room. and you're not in here anyway, why does it matter?

i was like, oh yeah like i'm going to lay on the bed and study with you. no thanks, that's just weird.

he gave me this look and laughed at me, probably because i don't think that's really what he meant by his question but hey -- whatever.

i'm going to go beat him up now so he'll get off my bed... no just kidding, i think he's actually already out of there. haha wow this is pointless -- now you see how entirely shot my brain is. i'm outta here to sleep.

good luck on finals everyone!

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