"hey that's not you... that's becky's hair."

things have been so crazy here lately. my brain is on total overload, but at the same time i'm not even phased by it. just very very tired of studying. finals end for me next tuesday (or maybe wednesday. rats now i can't remember), and then it's christmas break. the weird part is, it doesn't even feel like christmas. ok i know christmas isn't a feeling, and no i'm not into it for all the commercialist parts, but i still used to love all the little traditions that come with it. i still do, i think, but now for all i know it could be the middle of october instead of almost the holidays. (and with the way the weather has been lately, i'm even more confused.) so that's school. yeah bleh school.

last sunday all the students stayed after church and had lunch together as sort of an introduction for LT information. it's going to be in orlando again this summer, and i am... *suspense*.... thinking about going back. this is an extremely hard decision for me, in part because it would mean being away from john for 10 weeks (which is a LOT longer than it sounds) and in part because the last summer i spent at LT gives me a headache just thinking about it. on the other hand though, i certainly wasn't myself two summers ago. i think i can safely say that things have come a long way since then, and although that still may not be enough to warrant my wanting to go back, it's more that i feel God just kind of shoving me in that direction. so it's something i'm still praying about, and it also depends in part on whether or not i can find a good job out there in orlando, but it's definitely a possibility... i think chris and angela are both going back this summer too (the three of us all went together the last time i was there), so ange and i decided if we both go, we're going to room together. i think saturday night before church last sunday, ange had pulled an all-nighter or something (doing stuff to get ready for the LT lunch i think) and my gosh i've never seen her so hyper. during lunch she was laughing so hard she kept falling out of her chair, and nothing was even that funny. wow it was kind of scary.... turtle got up during the meeting because he had been asked to speak about some stuff, and the weird thing is, he's never even been to LT. so it was sort of ironic that he was telling everyone about it, but i think more of the reason is that he's like mr. popular in his homegroup. all the guys in there adore him, and i think the majority of the reason is that he's so weird. at spiritual challenge weekend he got all of them doing this thing where someone would yell, "smackdown!" and everyone else would yell back, "yo momma!" i mean, what is that? and they always did it during the meetings or while everyone was in the cafeteria to eat dinner. so now that's like their HG motto or something and they call themselves "The Smackdown." i don't think i need to say anymore. you get the picture about my brother.

john's turning into a chef... he's been making me stuffed peppers and such -- mmmmmm. and he does it all from scratch, and doesn't use a recipe or anything, he just comes up with all this stuff and throws it together and it turns out really really good. that's reason #1059 to love him to pieces. ;)

aight well i'm outta here to take the little hoodlums to the mall. love you guys! (and barrett, please know that i'm praying for you babe.)


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