the tenth

things here have been a bit crazy lately. i can't seem to get over being sick, and the workload for school just keeps piling up. major bleh. actually, being sick is the reason i wasn't able to go to Bible study tonight, and that sort of bums because i really am liking that Bible study with pastor rodger. we're studying the Old Testament, and dude -- rodger is like the bees knees on that stuff. he knows so much about history, and about politics on top of that, and all of that combined with a lot of Biblical knowledge just makes him a very interesting person to lead this Bible study. hopefully i'll be back at it next week...

i talked to annie tonight and found out that her surgery went well, in spite of the fact that she's presently a bit woozy from the drugs. BUT, if everything works out well, this means that she will someday probably be able to have children like she wants to. praise God for that! i am so happy for her; that's a definite answer to prayer.

lately everything seems to be bombarding me at once. stress from personal problems that i'm still dealing with is being added to stress from school and stress at home and even some stress at church -- not the greatest combination. a few nights ago i sat on my front porch in the cold and talked to my online friend lisa on the phone for the first time; even though i was shivering the whole time, it was really worth it, and it was a huge blessing to me. she's such a spiritually wise person, and i could really tell that God was speaking through her and telling me, "hey listen to this woman!" she helped me get a few things straight in my head, and she even prayed with me toward the end of our conversation. i'm really touched by the love that she has for so many people and the way she's allowing God to use her.

please pray for me if you have a chance. i'm praying for you guys, and i thank God so much for each of you. i don't know what i'd do without you!

keep it real, kids. ;)


"my only hope is in Your unfailing love and faithfulness. for troubles surround me -- too many to count! they pile up so high i can't see my way out... but may all who search for You be filled with joy and gladness... as for me, i am poor and needy, but the Lord is thinking about me right now..." -- psalm 40: 11-12, 16-17

"listen to my pleading, o Lord. be merciful and answer me! my heart has heard You say, 'come and talk with me.' and my heart responds, 'Lord i am coming.' do not hide Yourself from me. do not reject Your servant in anger. You have always been my helper. don't leave me now; don't abandon me, o God of my salvation! even if my mother and father abandon me, the Lord will hold me close." -- psalm 27:7-10

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