shopping is the devil

the last day and a half have been so crazy! i think i'm starving for sleep... last night the guys in my homegroup (church small group or Bible study or whatever you want to call it) made dinner for the girls -- something they do every Valentine's Day. they did a really great job! i think chris and jeremiah did most the work, especially with the cooking, but all of the guys pitched in in some way, and we had ourselves an awesome candlelight dinner. mark even went to the store and picked out hello kitty valentines for all of us girls on behalf of the guys -- he was so excited about them. =) i love all of the guys in that group -- they're such Godly men and so sweet. anyway, beth and i were the first girls there and the last ones to leave, with burnt lasagna, flying potatoes, an icing fight, a few rounds of mariokart, and a lot of chaos in between.... i left the guys' house at about 11:00 and drove over to super wal-mart (open all night, woohoo!) to do a bit of valentine shopping (it's hard to be secretive in a house of 9 people)... came home around 12:00, and found out that turtle needed me to help him revise his english paper. "revise" is sort of the wrong word -- it was 900+ words long and it needed to be cut down to 500-600. the poor guy was also studying for a test, so i worked on the paper and finished that around 1:30. (ok so i was actually talking to peter while i was doing it, and that may have slowed me down a wee bit, but not much.)... at that point i was starting to get tired but still had so much to do, a few things for my family and some things i was working on for the girls in my homegroup. that kept me up until about 3:00 (insomnia can be helpful at times); i took a shower and spent a bit of time with God, and came back out to check on turtle around 4:00. poor baby was still studying and on top of that had to write a works cited page for his paper, so he was thinking at this point he would have to pull an all-nighter. i told him to wake me up in the morning if he needed a ride to class (faster than taking the bus), and finally went to bed around 4:30ish.... next thing i know turtle is coming into my room telling me it's 7:45 and would it be ok if he took me up on that offer for a ride? i was so tired i literally couldn't see straight, but his test started at 8:00 so i pulled my coat on and went out to start the car. that was about the time that turtle told me he didn't have a) a scantron, and b) a blue book, both of which he needed for his test which was starting in about TEN MINUTES. to make a long story short, i gave him a scantron i already had, drove him to the grocery store where he realized he didn't have his wallet (and i didn't have my purse), decided he would just have to hope someone would have an extra blue book, and drove extremely fast up to the university, dropped him off, drove back home, and went to bed again... i think i woke up for the second time around 10:30 when joy brought some of her friends into my room, where they talked THIS LOUD (teenage girls) for about 10 minutes before realizing i was in the room IN MY BED and still trying to sleep in there. got up and baked cookies for people in church for about 3 hours (yeah a LOT of cookies), cleaned the house a bit for turtle's homegroup, which was having THEIR valentine party at our house tonight, tried to read some anatomy, and pretty much ran around in circles. fell asleep for a "few minutes" and woke up to find out it was already 4:00 PM... drove up to the grocery store to buy stuff turtle needed for his dinner and some roses for beth, and came back and gave the roses to beth who had come over while i was gone. when i got back, my dad was still cleaning up around the house, and turtle -- who was supposed to be making a dessert with the stuff i had just bought back from the store -- was out buying flowers for the girls in his homegroup. i had this weird feeling that he didn't really even know how to make the dessert he was supposed to make, and my dad pointed out that turtle was probably panicking at right about that moment. so i made the dessert myself, finishing it up right as the other guys in his homegroup started showing up.... while turtle's dinner was going on, john and myself and my other bro david made ourselves scarce. really we were just wasting a few hours so we wouldn't be in the way during the dinner. we went out to eat, went BACK to the store (what is that, the third time today) to buy some flowers for my mum, and then finally ended up at angela's to watch a movie around 10:30. we didn't really even start the movie until about 11... and then my mum calls around midnight and asks me if i can please run to the store on the way home for her. i was thinking, MAN THE FREAKIN STORE I HATE THE FREAKING STORE, but it was sort of funny so i told her i could do it.... finished our movie and left angela's around 2:00, came home and got my car, went BACK TO THE STORE to pick up the stuff my mum needed (HEB -- open all night, woohoo!), and finally got home for good around 2:50. it's now 3:30 AM and i feel like i've been awake forever... my eyes are open but my brain is shutting down, so farewell to all... have a wonderful valentine's day in case i don't wake up tomorrow to tell you so! xoxo ;)

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