rock the house... or at least pretend to

i just spent eight hours up at the church. i'm so tired i cannot see straight. BUT it was a great time. we had a sort of dating seminar; my dad spoke and david G. and sarah, who are on staff working with the college students in church, spoke briefly also. nick and chris and i led worship together for the first time -- it went pretty well minus a few glitches in the sound system. we had a contest thing going where the different student homegroups (there are seven of them) made dumb little videos on dating. some of them were pretty hilarious.

the highlight was that turtle's band played tonight. i don't really know how to explain them. you take turtle -- who has a voice not unlike billy corigan (smashing pumpkins) and a musical style not unlike radiohead -- and combine him with chris, who is punk rock through and through. toss jeremiah and gersham in there for some rhythm and you've got... weirdness. they need some work, since they haven't been playing together too long, but there's definitely something catchy there. what was funny about it though was that all the college kids made a huge deal out of it. a bunch of the guys started a fake mosh pit even though it wasn't really the right kind of music, and there were chairs in the way, and there was too much room to really mosh. the girls in my homegroup ran up right in front of the stage and started screaming and waving their arms around, goofing off like they were obsessed teenage girls. and then some of the other guys grabbed jordan and put him up like he was going to do some crowd surfing, only the crowd right there wasn't really big enough, so the same few people just carried him around for awhile. it was so stupid. just funny. i love college kids.

my head is pounding and it only feels better if i hit it with my fist. that's kind of strange. i think i'm going to bed.

love you guys!

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