things to do if you're bored...

at times i think i can read turtle's mind. you know that feeling of closeness you get from knowing someone for so long (from living with him, in this case), where you can be with him in a certain situation and just see those wheels turning in that person's head? that's how i feel with him. but i'll explain that in a minute.

spring break is definitely over. it's not just the load of tests and papers that have come up so suddenly; it's also the return of the circus life i usually live around this place.

a few nights ago i came home late to find out that joy had spray-painted graffiti all over the walls and ceiling of her room. upon seeing her room, my thoughts went from shocked, to amazed, to horrified, to fear for joy's life in the morning when my parent's would find out, back to amazed, and finally i just started laughing. it was late and i had been washing dishes and i was so tired (and probably high on spray-paint fumes from her artwork) that it seemed pretty hilarious to me. i sat on the kitchen floor with turtle while he studied and about every five or ten minutes, one of us would say, "man..." or "i can't believe..." and we'd start laughing again. i think it was something we both felt we should be upset about, because it was a really immature/juvenile thing to do, and our parents sure as heck were going to be mad, but really we couldn't. if we got mad about every dumb thing people around here do (two of our siblings in particular), we'd have to be mad pretty much perpetually, and there's no point. it's much better to laugh while you can and then either hide or leave the house when someone ELSE (i.e. parents) does get mad and the screaming begins.

so it's easier to let it be funny. at some point, after we had been sitting there for a bit, turtle looked up from his book and said, "isn't honkies a racial slur?"

i started laughing again because -- and this is what i mean about reading his mind -- i knew what he was talking about. so i said, "yeah i think so. i don't know who for though. a white person i think? or maybe a black person."

"i thought it was for a mexican."

"oh. maybe so. i don't know. but anyway 'honkies' isn't what she wrote."


"yeah. it says monkies. 'death monkies.' when i walked in there i thought it said --"

"'death to honkies.'"

"yeah. that's what you thought too?"

"yeah. why did we both think... i mean, death to honkies? what's that about?"

haha i love him so much. we have the must inane conversations, but he always knows exactly what i mean... anyway, with the graffiti incident, i think i slept through World War III the next morning. now there's a lot of painting to be done (on the part of my sister) and some pics taken by dave (my other brother who is still young enough to be impressed by his rebellious older sister), but overall no lasting harsh feelings. you gotta love these guys.

there are other things i need to talk about that are probably more important, but i'm still sorting through them myself. now that i have a working spacebar (haha LJ you crack me up) i'll have plenty of time to get there when i get there.... i love you all and i'm praying for each of you!

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