
[i'm writing a new entry for blair since she couldn't view the last one. which is because i erased it after writing it because it was so personal i realized i wasn't ready to share it yet.]

anyway. the last few weeks have been crazy busy. school is out (woohoo)! and tomorrow we leave for florida for the summer -- "we" being myself, turtle, and 6 other peeps from church. we'll be there in orlando for 10 weeks, working, getting to know each other, doing a lot of outreach, working with the churches there, and studying and growing in our relationships with God. i'm so excited about it!.... my dad is in costa rica right now on a mission trip. i really miss him. =(.... and i've been hanging out non-stop with my buds here in TX lately since i won't see them again till august. tonight i'm going out to kristen's one last time to hang with her and chris and jer. we're gonna build ourselves a campfire and chill out for a few hours like we're good at doing.... ok blair, sorry -- this is a boring entry. it's just that life is good, God is awesome, it's summer, and i'm about to leave for 10 weeks of greatness.

i'm thinking about closing down this diary and starting a new one when i get out to florida. i'll post something here about it if i do...

i love you guys! thanks for all of your prayers. take care and i'll be in touch with you all.... xoxo

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