dark and paranoid

night. taking your hand i plead with you to sing me a song. by the look on your face anyone would have thought i punched you instead. doubled over and gasping for breath, stars fell from your eyes and i think maybe that was blood on your lips. you spoke with the edge of betrayal in your voice, yet your words made no sense to me. and i'm clutching my sleeves for something to hold on to, trying to make sense of the way your heart is turning. turning from me.

i'm left here now, with the image of your burnt angel's wings etched into the back of my mind. i thought you were who i knew you were, and i think you still are, but you're denying it. and in that way, you're turning yourself into someone else. before, you would have never done this to me. you've created pain so deep that i want to bury myself in the ashes of these memories. and i hate the stench of what could have been.

all that could have been before i killed you.

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