things have a way of happening like that

i am so concerned about claire. i cannot stop thinking about/worrying about her. she realizes she needs help, she wants help, and yet where is it when she's crying out for it? why is the world so cruel?...and yet i know God is in control, that He's hearing my prayers for her. i just hope with all of my heart that the answer to them will come soon.

tomorrow is my maths final. ugh. i've been studying for it for all of last night and all of today. by this time tomorrow it will be over! woohoo, now THAT is reason to throw a party. and my john is taking one of his finals at this very moment, in fact. God's grace to him...

speaking of john, today is our six month anniversary!!! but we don't get to spend it together, because of dumb old finals. yeah, go figure. anyway, i love you my best friend! =) you're my dream come true. *kisses*

(click here to see some pics of my hot guy! )

words/phrases i've said most often today: "oh, CRAP!"..."x equals what?!"..."*sigh* no, i'm not done studying yet."

xoxo, i love you all

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